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What’s What 9/24-9/30 September 26, 2023 Missing a week, still metal, and a Falcon with no Snowman. Kaweco AL-Sport with Sailor Massachusetts Pilot Decimo with Pelikan 4001 Konigsblau What’s What 9/10-9/16 September 15, 2023 Very metal days, it’s in the bag, and what does Massachusetts look like? Karas Fountain K with Sailor Studio 460 Pilot Quatro with Colorverse What’s What 9/3-9/9 September 9, 2023 Mostly status quo, but what is the status quo? Also, cars. Pilot Quatro with Colorverse Delicious Sleep Pilot Decimo with Callifolio Gris de What’s What 8/27-9/2 August 30, 2023 eBay arrivals, figuring out Callifolio a bit more, and the generosity of others. Platinum Desk Pen with Sheaffer Purple Pilot Decimo with Not Science: Comparing Esterbrook’s JJ Lax Scribe Nib to Another Architect August 23, 2023 The content of this post was originally part of the 8/13/23 What’s What entry but I thought it might be better to take it out as a separate piece What’s What 8/20-8/26 August 23, 2023 Working through our varied wants, enjoying differences, and finding fun in little places. Graf von Faber Castell Guilloche with Herbin Lie de Thé What’s What 8/13-8/19 August 16, 2023 Specialty nibs compared, lots of the same ink, and bigger picture thoughts on the collection. Platinum Desk Pen with Sheaffer Purple Graf von Pen Shopping at Appelboom Boston August 10, 2023 When the time came to take the ride into Boston to visit the Appelboom pen shop I wondered if it was the right idea not to have a certain thing in What’s What 8/6-8/12 August 7, 2023 Stationery Store Day, pen shows, and vacation is not great for focus. Same as last week, no need to spend any time on it. Stationery Store Day is Assorted But Related August 4, 2023 I inked up the second Callifolio sample, Gris de Payne, in the Scribo. I went through my swatch cards and pulled anything grey or grey-adjacent for Next page